Monday, October 02, 2006

MIchael's trip

My best friend Michael came to visit me 2 weeks ago. Today is his last day and it sure feels like we've been partying hard for 2 weeks. I feel kind of worn out and have to admit, I've been slacking off work since he's been here. I've also haven't been able to check my emails as often as I should. Lost of catching up to do.

Let's see what we have done these past 2 weeks...

We went to Osaka and Kyoto for 5 days via overnight bus.
We went out on the weekends and stayed out until morning.
Visited Tokyo Disney Sea...again!
Saw the Madonna concert twice!
Hardly slept at all!

Tonight he wants to go out again to the bars and wants me to go with him. So I'm here trying to recuperate and catch up with work so I can make it tonight.

I finally got to post some new pictures on my blog. Lots of them actually...all from the past. Future pictures will have to wait.

I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Not a bad one. Have to take a double dose of AGEL. In fact, I haven't had a major cold in years if I think about it.


Unknown said...

HI Arthur
I feel better now thanks. Hopefully going to the gym today. Hope you are feeling better today.

Unknown said...

Hi nicktsai
thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to our lasting friendship.