Sunday, October 15, 2006

Great week

What a great week it's been! After a lot of grey and gloomy rain, this past week was filled with sunshine and warmth. I finally got myself to the gym and felt great about it. I had no panic attacks whatsoever and lost all the weight that I gained during my Osaka trip. That's right, I gained exactly 3 kilos after that week-long trip. So I started taking my FIT twice a day and lost it all! I made a new friend this week as well. He's a much older guy but he's sincere and sweet and it's always good to be able to learn from someone older and wiser. I can use a different perspective now and then.

Yesterday my partner and I found this great Italian restaurant near our place. It's run by this lesbian chef. At first, I thought she was a man but when she spoke and I looked at her more closely, I realized she was a woman. She didn't talk much and wasn't personable but I made an effort to tell her how delicious her pasta was and asked her what the sauce was made from. I mean it really was that good! After that she was all smiles and had the cutest smile I've seen in a long time...this coming from a gay guy is a big deal. Anyway, I'll probably visit her again sometime next week. I don't know what it is about her, but her smile was very attractive and it makes me want to see her again...not to mention try out her other culinary creations.


Tenniel said...

Suddengly you are appear again .many years reading your blog , you remind me again your stories,to be continue.........
Thanks for yoru first messag eto me in wynn.Will going to Europe 4 more day for a month alone.......
Well ,Hope to share with you some stories of me later,see ya~!

Gary Vaako said...

You look so much better compared to those years when you're young. =D

Unknown said...

Hi Tenniel. Thanks for your comments. So you'll be in Europe for a month! That's amazing! I hope you have a great time in Europe. Tell me all about it when you get back.

Unknown said...

je suis afflige

I totally agree with you!