Saturday, August 30, 2008


Justin arrived at my home approximately one month ago. As you can see, he loves soft things like towels and pillows. He's usually making a mess of things while I'm working on my PC. When he exhausts himself after a play session, he finds the nearest soft spot and relaxes.

Justin's a chihuahua and miniature dachshund mix breed. I fell in love at first sight.


JT said...

Hi Shinich, nice pictures of Justin! I love his eyes. Haha. Can see u are feeding him well. He look so much bigger in the pic at your home, compared to the pic at the pet shop. Hmm, now I feel like getting a pet too!

Anonymous said...


thats one awesome and very cute puppy ^^ better take care of him really well ^^

Mark said...

You puppy is super cute!

Unknown said...

hey thanks. Yep he sure is a cutie!

Jason said...

So adorable! A boy or girl?

Unknown said...

Hey Jason
Justin's a boy! hehe
An adorable little boy!