Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Summer is here!

Yep, it sure is and it has come in full force...all the heat and humidity! Hot hot hot! Funny thing is that I don't find it as hot as it used to feel. Maybe it's because I've been to Thailand three times this year, where it was much hotter and much more humid. This year the summer in Tokyo doesn't seem too bad. Even the sky looks clearer with less pollution and smog than previous years. I know it's probably just my imagination or I'm a pathetic hopeful but really, it does look better.

Well, things are going so-so with my businesses. No change except for the fact that I am making a steady stream of income. I'm also hooked on Second Life, an online community in a virtual world of sorts. I'm still confused about my relationship and I'm still constantly trying to lose just a little more weight. Maybe I should consider going on a strict diet of eating nothing and only when I feel a bit lightheaded and dizzy, I should take a bite of cheese, like Emily in The Devil Wears Prada.

So why do I feel so lost once again? I know it must be because of the fact that I'm a selfish person, but I find myself asking, what's left? What else is there to life? Is this it? I also still find myself looking for just one more thing that's relevant in my life...something that has meaning and substance. I also would like to be more successful at something other than what I'm currently doing right now. I feel like I'm going in circles not really getting anywhere. The fact that I'm fantasizing about buying a bigger house in Second Life only confirms the fact that I'm trying to attain a lifestyle I truly desire in a fantasy world. Okay, I'm starting to write in spurts and not making too much sense. I need another block of cheese,. thank you.

Whatever, this is the state I'm currently in, period. I'm living in spurts and doing things that don't really give me any satisfaction. Sex is pretty meaningless and has become a simple pasttime just because I can get it so often and so easily...meaningless sex that is. Love is another matter all together, but I'm not going there today. Don't really have the energy.

On the other hand, I'm doing a load of laundry now and I have to wonder why I find pleasure in doing that. What's wrong here anyway?


Felix Cheng said...

feel bored about what you 've been doing? why do u have to wait until 2nd life? do something or you will get extra happiness

diet? hm.... you are fit already

Mark said...

It must've been really hot...I heard places like Saitama was around 40C~~

Anonymous said...

hehe yes sometimes we all need a block of cheese. . .


Unknown said...

Hey Felix...
Second Life is on online community, something like a virtual MSN chat but more engaging. I am basically happy by the way...just keep ranting on my blog that's all. By the way, thanks for the compliment but yes, I still need to diet!

Hiya Mark...
It's slowly getting cooler I must say. However it's kind of sad to know that summer's almost over and really don't care for the bitter and cold winter.

Yes, and good cheese it should be!